Holiday cottages - B&B

Holiday cottages, holiday rentals, self catering cottages, apartments, bed and breakfast in France, Spain and Italy

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Search your accomodation among a large selection of privately owned holiday properties : holiday cottages rentals and b&b in France, Spain, Italy.
Gite01 features a fine collection of holiday properties across the most popular places.

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• Guests •

Are you looking for a seaside or a countryside cottage to rent ?
A nice accomodation where to stay for your short holiday break ?

Look into our classified ads of private holiday rentals at popular destinations, villas, apartments, self catering cottages, bed and breakfast, holiday lettings for rural tourism, countryside private owned homes, properties direct from the owners.

Cottages rentals in France, Spain and Italy, spread over Brittany, Normandy, Corsica, Alsace, Provence, Auvergne, Loire Valley, Picardy, Alps, Pyrenees, Andalusia, Castile, Asturias, Catalonia, Galicia, Tuscany, Lombardy, Piedmont, Umbria...

Contact the owners, they will be happy to inform you accurately !

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Our aim : to give you the best support and be efficient in promoting your property,
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